

Offering We would really like to commend the idea of using the Envelope Scheme for your weekly collection. The supply of envelopes is a reminder that the church needs our giving every week whether we are there or not. The unused envelope from last week is a reminder that we were away on holiday and we need to pay two week's collection this week.

Please think seriously about using the envelope system. It's a great benefit to the church. Talk to Ian Cree or Ros Brown and we will get you started.


Gift Aid is a Government scheme, under the title 'Get Britain Giving', designed to help charities to increase their income. It works by allowing registered charities to reclaim some of the Income Tax paid by its supporters to the Government. Tax refunds are now 25p in the pound of tax paid. Here is an example:- If you pay income tax on my wage or pension, and each week you give £5 into the collection, a total of £260 in a tax year, then the church can reclaim £65 of the tax you have paid, making your £260 donation worth £325.00 to the church.

We are able to report an increase in giving by our members who Gift Aid their donations to the church. There are currently about 50 people who use the gift aid scheme.

When you have entered the Gift Aid Scheme, all your gifts need to be identified so that a claim can be made for the Income Tax you have paid at the time of earning. To make identification of the contributor possible your gifts can be made in a weekly collection envelope, as described above, or by making out a standing order with your bank in favour of the church. The Church Treasurer and the Gift Aid Secretary diligently protect your privacy.

ps. The most frequently asked question about Gift Aid: What happens if my circumstances change and my income reduces and my tax liability changes?

The answer is that Gift Aid can be stopped at any time, at a minutes notice.
